Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 13.2:W 15/8/ Monitoring and evaluation report 1
A 13.2:W 15/9/993 Wildernesses and primitive areas in southwestern national forests / 1
A 13.2:W 15/973  
A 13.2:W 15/995 Wildernesses and primitive areas in southwestern national forests / 1
A 13.2:W 15/999 Wildernesses and primitive areas in southwestern national forests / 1
A 13.2:W 18 Wanted : your help in locating marijuana grown on national forest lands. 1
A 13.2:W 26 Forest resources of the Wasatch-Cache National Forest / 1
A 13.2:W 27/2 Discover ... the national forests of Washington. 1
A 13.2:W 27/3/ A statewide comprehensive plan for fish and wildlife on the national forests in the State of Washington. 1
A 13.2:W 27/4/985 Washington marked snowmobile trails, 1985 / 1
A 13.2:W 27/5/985 Washington marked cross-country ski trails : 1985. 1
A 13.2:W 28 Working trees for treating waste : a natural alternative for using nutrients from livestock and farm operations, municipalities, and industries. 1
A 13.2:W 29 Water power projects, telephone, telegraph, power transmission lines on national forests; regulations of Secretary of Agriculture and instructions regarding applications for permits for water-power projects under Act of Feb. 15, 1901, and for easements for telephone, telegraph, and power transmission lines under Act of Mar. 4, 1911. 1
A 13.2:W 29/2 What national forests mean to water user.
What national forests mean to water user
A 13.2:W 29/6 You and water : 6 lessons about water. 1
A 13.2:W 29/7/985 Is the water safe? : think before you drink. 1
A 13.2:W 29/9 Water & the Forest Service /
Water & the Forest Service.
A 13.2:W 29/10 Water quality management for forest system lands in California best management practices. 1
A 13.2:W 29/1936 Statement regarding water resources, Great Basin / 1
A 13.2:W 29f Some fundamental plant-soil-water relations in watershed management / 1