A 13.42/20:128
2,4,5-T amine not recommended for frill-treating hardwood culls in West Virginia / |
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A 13.42/20:129
Uninjured trees : a meaningful guide to white-pine weevil control decisions / |
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A 13.42/20:130
How to collect and process large polyhedral viruses of insects / |
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A 13.42/20:131
Leaf fall, humus depth and soil frost in a northern hardwood forest / |
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A 13.42/20:132
Control of rhododendron by basal spray / |
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Some effects of competition on the survival of yellow-poplar seedlings / |
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A weeding in ten-year-old northern hardwoods : methods and time requirements / |
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A 13.42/24:11
Gray birch : Betula populifolia : paper birch : Betula papyrifera : European white birch : Betula pendula. |
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River birch : betula nigra. |
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Japanese larch : L. Leptolepis : European larch : L. decidua : Hybrids : L. eurolepis. |
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Silver maple : Acer saccharinum L. |
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Northern red oak : Quercus rubra. |
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White oak : Quercus alba. |
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Autumn olive : Elaeagnus umbellata. |
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Royal Paulownia : Paulownia tomentosa. |
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Ponderosa pine : Pinus ponderosa. |
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Black walnut : Juglans nigra. |
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A 13.42/24:B 56
Black locust : Robinia pseudoacacia. |
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A 13.42/24:C 82
Cottonwood : Populus deltoides : hybrid poplar. |
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A 13.42/24:Eu 7
European black alder : Alnus glutinosa. |
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