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How Ohioans choose their Christmas trees / |
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Trees for planting on strip-mined land in Illinois / |
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Killing oak brush a tricky business / |
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Veneer-log production and consumption in the Central states, 1958 / |
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Preplanting ground treatment tests for white pine in southeastern Ohio / |
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Conversion planting on poor hardwood sites shows promise in Ohio / |
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Growth and yield of a thinned shortleaf pine plantation / |
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Should I roof my lumber? / |
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Local benefits from timber industry expansion. |
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Recording tree defects in stereo / |
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Pulpwood production and consumption in the Central states, 1959 / |
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The small woodland owner in eastern Kentucky : his attitudes and environment / |
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Recent developments stimulate hardwood lumber business in Eastern Kentucky / |
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Increasing forage on Ozark wooded range / |
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Litter-and-duff fuel in shortleaf pine stands in southeast Missouri / |
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Nutritive quality of little bluestem in the Missouri Ozarks / |
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Growth and quality of pruned black walnut / |
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Graded stock means greater yields for shortleaf pine / |
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Pulpwood : production & consumption in the Central States : 1960 / |
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The small woodland owner in Ohio / |
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