Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 13.78:INT-296 Influence of tree and site factors on western redcedar's response to release : a modeling analysis / 1
A 13.78:INT-297 Tree dynamics in seral and stable aspen stands of central Utah / 1
A 13.78:INT-298 Histological differentiation among abiotic causes of conifer needle necrosis / 1
A 13.78:INT-299 Measurements of airtanker drop conditions during firefighting operations / 1
A 13.78:INT-300 Lifting, storage, planting practices influence growth of conifer seedlings in the northern Rockies / 1
A 13.78:INT-301 Variation in estimates of fire intervals : a closer look at fire history on the Bitterroot National Forest / 1
A 13.78:INT-302 Monitoring the condition of wilderness campsites
Monitoring the condition of wilderness campsites /
A 13.78:INT-303 Assessing and monitoring backcountry trail conditions / 1
A 13.78:INT-304 Problems and practices in wilderness management : a survey of managers / 1
A 13.78:INT-305 Predicting wind-driven wind land fire size and shape / 1
A 13.78:INT-306 Production and product recovery for complete tree utilization in the northern Rockies / 1
A 13.78:INT-307 Evaluating slope stability prior to road construction / 1
A 13.78:INT-308 Effect of western spruce budworm on Douglas-fir cone production in western Montana / 1
A 13.78:INT-309 Potential spotting distance from wind-driven surface fires / 1
A 13.78:INT-310 Fireline production : a conceptual model / 1
A 13.78:INT-311 Salvage and thinning operations in second-growth ponderosa pine stands / 1
A 13.78:INT 312 Campsite conditions in the Bob Marshall Wilderness, Montana / 1
A 13.78:INT-312 Campsite conditions in the Bob Marshall Wilderness, Montana / 1
A 13.78:INT-313 Monoammonium phosphate : effect on flammability of excelsior and pine needles / 1
A 13.78:INT-314 Winter injury of sagebrush and other wildland shrubs in the western United States / 1