A 13.78:INT-332
Volume and biomass for curlleaf cercocarpus in Nevada / |
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A 13.78:INT-333
Effect of small aspen clearcuts on water yield and water quality / |
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A 13.78:INT-334
Response of grass species to tree harvesting in singleleaf pinyon-Utah juniper stands / |
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A 13.78:INT-335
Reclamation on Utah's Emery and Alton coal fields : techniques and plant materials / |
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A 13.78:INT-336
Improving voluntary registration through location and design of trail registration stations / |
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A 13.78:INT 337
Predicting duff and woody fuel consumed by prescribed fire in the northern Rocky Mountains / |
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A 13.78:INT-337
Predicting duff and woody fuel consumed by prescribed fire in the northern Rocky Mountains / |
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A 13.78:INT-338
Nutrient release from Mount St. Helens volcanic ash and retention by western Montana soil / |
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A 13.78:INT-339
Pinyon-juniper volume equations for the Central Rocky Mountain States / |
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A 13.78:INT-340
Survey of aspen stands treated with herbicides in the western United States / |
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A 13.78:INT-341
Effects of bifenox, DCPA, and napropamide on ectomycorrhizal development of conifer seedlings in central and northern Rocky Mountain nurseries / |
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A 13.78:INT-342
Soil water and temperature in harvested and nonharvested pinyon-juniper stands / |
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A 13.78:INT-343
Natural regeneration in Intermountain spruce-fir forests : a gradual process / |
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A 13.78:INT-344
Woodland tree volume estimation : a visual segmentation technique / |
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A 13.78:INT-345
Visitor characteristics, attitudes, and use patterns in the Bob Marshall Wilderness complex, 1970-82 / |
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A 13.78:INT-346
Ten-year results of fertilizing grand fir, western hemlock, western larch, and Douglas-fir with nitrogen in northern Idaho / |
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A 13.78:INT-347
Applying height growth and site index curves for inland Douglas-fir / |
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A 13.78:INT-348
Attaining visual quality objectives in timber harvest areas--landscape architects' evaluation / |
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A 13.78:INT-349
Release of a thinned budworm-infested Douglas-fir/ponderosa pine stand / |
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A 13.78:INT-350
Recreational trampling effects on six habitat types in western Montana / |
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