A 13.78:INT-355
Breeding bird responses to diameter-cut logging in west-central Idaho / |
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A 13.78:INT-356
Ecological genetics of Pinus contorta in the Upper Snake River Basin of eastern Idaho and Wyoming / |
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A 13.78:INT-357
Visitor attitudes toward wilderness fire management policy--1971-84 / |
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A 13.78:INT-358
Measurement of field resistance, rust hazard, and deployment of blister rust-resistant western white pine / |
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A 13.78:INT-359
Modeling moisture content of fine dead wildland fuels : input to the BEHAVE fire prediction system / |
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A 13.78:INT-360
Soil physical properties of raised planting beds in a northern Idaho forest / |
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A 13.78:INT-361
Four analytical approaches for integrating land management and transportation planning on forest lands / |
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A 13.78:INT-362
Aspen community types of Utah / |
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A 13.78:INT-363
Pinyon seedling distribution among soil surface microsites / |
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A 13.78:INT 364
Site treatments influence development of a young-mixed speces western larch stand / |
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A 13.78:INT-364
Site treatments influence development of a young-mixed speces western larch stand / |
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A 13.78:INT-365
Predicting site index and height for selected tree species of northern Idaho / |
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A 13.78:INT-366
Large scalps improve survival and growth of planted conifers in central Idaho / |
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A 13.78:INT-367
Mountain pine beetle in ponderosa pine : effects of phloem thickness and egg gallery density / |
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A 13.78:INT-368
Ecological changes on campsites in the Eagle Cap Wilderness, 1979 to 1984 / |
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A 13.78:INT-369
Development and verification of models of freezing tolerance for douglas-fir populations in the inland Northwest / |
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A 13.78:INT-370
Hobble Creek : a superior selection of low-elevation mountain big sagebrush / |
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A 13.78:INT-371
The influence of viewing angle on elk hiding cover in young timber stands / |
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A 13.78:INT-372
Pinyon-juniper site quality and volume growth equations for Nevada / |
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A 13.78:INT 373
Adaptive variation in Pinus ponderosa from intermountain regions. |
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