Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 13.78:NC-171 Minnesota canoe and kayak owners : their characteristics and patterns of use / 1
A 13.78:NC-172 The economic and geographic impact of national forest land on counties in southern Illinois / 1
A 13.78:NC-173 Home range location of white-tailed deer / 1
A 13.78:NC-174 The cost of debarked whole-tree chips : stump to digestor / 1
A 13.78:NC-175 The market for forest & associated land in southern Illinois : implications for land management / 1
A 13.78:NC-176 Regeneration and productivity of aspen grown on repeated short rotations / 1
A 13.78:NC-177 The timber marketing process in Indiana / 1
A 13.78:NC-178 Weights and dimensionsal properties of shrubs and small trees of the Great Lakes conifer forest / 1
A 13.78:NC-179 Summer moisture contents of understory vegetation in northeastern Minnesota / 1
A 13.78:NC-180 A provisional assessment of triclopyr herbicide for use in Lake States' forestry / 1
A 13.78:NC-181 Twenty-year results of the Lake States jack pine seed source study / 1
A 13.78:NC-182 The Supply and energy potential of forest resources in northern Wisconsin and Michigan's Upper Peninsula / 1
A 13.78:NC-183 Yield and quality of seed from yellow birch progenies / 1
A 13.78:NC-184 Dimension yields from short logs of low-quality hardwood trees / 1
A 13.78:NC-185 The transmission of oak wilt / 1
A 13.78:NC-186 Strip clearcutting to regenerate northern hardwoods / 1
A 13.78:NC-187 Evaluating stocking in upland hardwood forests using metric measurements / 1
A 13.78:NC-188 Predicted yields from selected cutting prescriptions in northern Minnesota / 1
A 13.78:NC-189 Comparing jack pine slash and forest floor moisture contents and national fire danger rating system predictions / 1
A 13.78:NC-190 Height and diameter of tamarack seed sources in northern Wisconsin / 1