Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 13.78:SO-153 Soil, slope, and rainfall affect height and yield in 15-year-old southern pine plantations / 1
A 13.78:SO-154 Growth and yield estimation for loblolly pine in the West Gulf /
Growth and yield estimation for loblolly pine in the west Gulf
A 13.78:SO-155 Family differences influence the aboveground biomass of loblolly pine plantations / 1
A 13.78:SO-156 Growth and yield predictions for thinned stands of even-aged natural longleaf pine / 2
A 13.78:SO-157 Cottonwood borer (Plectrodera scalator) : a guide to its biology, damage, and control / 1
A 13.78:SO-159 Growth and yield in managed natural stands of loblolly and shortleaf pine in the West Gulf Coastal Plain /
Growth and yield in managed natural stands of loblolly and shortleaf pine in the west Gulf coastal plain
A 13.78:SO-160 Predicting field performance of slash pine families from inoculated greenhouse seedlings / 1
A 13.78:SO-161 Seasonality of nutrient quality and digestibility of three southern deer browse species / 1
A 13.78:SO-162 Spacing trial of Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis / 1
A 13.78:SO-163 Harvester productivity for row thinning loblolly pine plantations 1
A 13.78:SO-164 A test of the exponential distribution for stand structure definition in uneven-aged loblolly-shortleaf pine stands / 1
A 13.78:SO-165 Fine [i.e., Pine] regeneration in southwest Arkansas / 1
A 13.78:SO-166 Cubic-foot volume, surface area, and merchantable height functions for longleaf pine trees / 1
A 13.78:SO-167 Container planting systems for the South / 1
A 13.78:SO-168 Forest and timber taxes in Louisiana, 1966-1977 / 1
A 13.78:SO-169 Growth and yield of shortleaf pine in the West Gulf region / 1
A 13.78:SO-171 Stand structure variability and research plot size in uneven-aged stands of loblolly-shortleaf pine / 1
A 13.78:SO-172 Effects of fusiform rust on survival and structure of Mississippi and Louisiana slash pine plantations / 1
A 13.78:SO-173 Willow oak volume and weight tables for the Mississippi Delta / 1
A 13.78:SO-174 Effects of endrin in repellent seed coatings on caged rodents / 1