A 13.79:INT-277
Determining the moisture content of some dead forest fuels using a microwave oven / |
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A 13.79:INT-278
A conceptual framework for integrating fire considerations in wildland planning / |
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A 13.79:INT-279
High browse yield in a planted stand of bitterbrush / |
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A 13.79:INT-280
Light burning and the nutrient value of forage / |
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A 13.79:INT-281
A comparison of the nutrient content of Rocky Mountain Douglas-fir and ponderosa pine trees / |
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A 13.79:INT-282
Rooting stem cuttings from aspen seedlings / |
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A 13.79:INT-283
Genetic gains from mass selection in lodgepole pine / |
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A 13.79:INT-284
Incidence of mountain pine beetle abandoned galleries in lodgepole pine / |
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A 13.79:INT-285
Bioassay of alpine mine spoils for plant growth and development / |
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A 13.79:INT-286
Roundwood product potential in logging residue / |
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A 13.79:INT-287
Estimating survival and salvage potential of fire-scarred Douglas-fir / |
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A 13.79:INT-288
Cold hardiness of western larch populations / |
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A 13.79:INT-289
Measuring annual growth rings using an electronic measuring machine / |
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A 13.79:INT-290
Comparative growth rates of western white pine varieties resistant to blister rust / |
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A 13.79:INT-291
Rooting western white pine, Pinus monticola Dougl., needle fascicles and branch cuttings / |
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A 13.79:INT-292
Reformulation of forest fire spread equations in SI units / |
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A 13.79:INT-293
Postharvest residue burning under alternative silvicultural practices / Robert W. Steele. |
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A 13.79:INT-294
Damage from logging and prescribed burning in partially cut Douglas-fir stands / |
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A 13.79:INT-295
Effect of heating rate on char yield from forest fuels / |
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A 13.79:INT-296
Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer on planted ponderosa pine in west-central Idaho / |
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