A 13.79:INT-351
Response of gambel oak to tebuthiuron in central Utah / |
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A 13.79:INT-352
A 13.79:INT-353
Association of an endemic mountain pine beetle population with lodgepole pine infected by Armillaria root disease in Utah / |
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A 13.79:INT-354
Susceptibility of pine populations to western gall rust--central Idaho / |
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A 13.79:INT-355
Performance of Douglas-fir intervarietal hybrids after 10 years of field testing / |
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A 13.79:INT-356
Distinguishing mated and unmated mountain pine beetles in alcohol-preserved specimens / |
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A 13.79:INT-357
Characterizing succession within a forest habitat type : an approach designed for resource managers / |
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A 13.79:INT-358
Surface fuel loadings and predicted fire behavior for vegetation types in the northern Rocky Mountains / |
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A 13.79:INT-360
Using aerial photos to fingerprint a stand for root disease research / |
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A 13.79:INT-361
Inheritance of the bark reaction resistance mechanism in pinus monticola infected by cronartium ribicola / |
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A 13.79:INT-362
Small mammal responses to diameter-cut logging in an Idaho Douglas-fir forest / |
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A 13.79:INT-363
Pinyon-juniper volume equations for Arizona Hualapai and Havasupai Indian Reservations / |
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A 13.79:INT-364
A 13.79:INT-365
HIDE2 : evaluation of elk hiding cover using a personal computer / |
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A 13.79:INT-366
Design and construction of an electric arc generator for fuel ignition studies / |
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A 13.79:INT-367
Mountain pine beetle selection of dwarf mistletoe and comandra blister rust infected lodgepole pine / |
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A 13.79:INT-368
Carbohydrate reserves in nursery stock--effects of cultural practices / |
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A 13.79:INT-369
Estimating singleleaf pinyon and Utah juniper volumes for several utilization standards / |
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A 13.79:INT-370
Comparative vegetational recovery on firelines cleared with explosives and with handtools / |
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A 13.79:INT-371
Armillaria in the northern Rockies : pathogenicity and host susceptibility on pristine and disturbed sites / |
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