Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 13.79:INT-331  
A 13.79:INT-332 Techniques for implementing the individual tree selection method in the grand fir-cedar-hemlock ecosystems of northern Idaho / 1
A 13.79:INT-333 Harvesting strategies for management of mountain pine beetle infestations in lodgepole pine : preliminary evaluation, East Long Creek Demonstration Area, Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming / 1
A 13.79:INT-334  
A 13.79:INT-335 Construction cost and erosion control effectiveness of filter windrows on fill slopes / 1
A 13.79:INT-336 Developing prediction models for private timber harvest in Montana / 1
A 13.79:INT-337 Seed transfer guidelines for Douglas-fir in central Idaho / 1
A 13.79:INT-338 Strategy for reducing mountain pine beetle infestations with ponderosa pine trap logs / 1
A 13.79:INT-339 A severe epidemic of Marssonina leaf blight on quaking aspen in northern Utah / 1
A 13.79:INT-340 Early developmental differences among five lodgepole pine provenances planted on a subalpine site in Montana / 1
A 13.79:INT-341 Needed : guidelines for defining acceptable advance regeneration / 1
A 13.79:INT-342 Heat of preignition of three woody fuels used in wildfire modeling research / 1
A 13.79:INT-343 Resistance to Cronartium ribicola in Pinus monticola : higher survival of infected trees / 1
A 13.79:INT-344 Short internodes in western white pine / 1
A 13.79:INT-345 Characteristics of fireline blasted with linear explosives : initial test results / 1
A 13.79:INT-346 Spotting distance from wind-driven surface fires : extensions of equations for pocket calculators / 1
A 13.79:INT-347 Viability of seed produced on highly sodic coal mine spoils / 1
A 13.79:INT-348 A passive aerial barrier trap suitable for sampling flying bark beetles / 1
A 13.79:INT-349 Susceptibility of lodgepole pine to the needle cast fungus Lophodermella concolor / 1
A 13.79:INT-350 Response of broom snakeweed to application of tebuthiuron / 1