Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 13.79:LS-66 Super-spruce seedlings show continued superiority / 1
A 13.79:LS-67 Alinement chart for numbers of trees, diameters, basal areas / 1
A 13.79:LS-68 Outdoor recreation surveys : length-of-stay bias and its correction by computer / 1
A 13.79:LS-69 Yellow and paper birch seeds germinate well after 4 years' storage / 1
A 13.79:LS-70 Frost penetration and trafficability in two peats as affected by snowpack and surface mosses / 1
A 13.79:LS-71 The performance of eight seed sources of ponderosa pine in the Denbigh Experimental Forest, North Dakota / 1
A 13.79:LS-72 The influence of temperature and early spring conditions on sugar maple and yellow birch germination in upper Michigan / 1
A 13.79:LS-73 Botanical and commercial range of white spruce in the Lake States / 1
A 13.79:LS-74 Botanical and commercial range of black spruce in the Lake States / 1
A 13.79:NC Wisconsin's forest resources in .. 1
A 13.79:NC- Pulpwood production in the Lake States by county
Pulpwood production in the Lake States by county /
A 13.79:NC-1 A silvicultural evaluation of four methods of marking second-growth northern hardwood stands / 2
A 13.79:NC-2 Pulpwood chip production and markets in the lake states / 1
A 13.79:NC-3 Lake states pulpwood production hampered by adverse weather and labor shortage, 1965 / 1
A 13.79:NC-4 Minnesota's aspen and its projected supply / 1
A 13.79:NC-5 Performance of seven seed sources of blue spruce in central North Dakota / 1
A 13.79:NC-6 Growth response of seedling yellow birch to humus-mineral soil mixtures / 1
A 13.79:NC-7 Forest-product imports and exports via the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway through upper lakes ports / 1
A 13.79:NC-8 Firebreak maintenance with soil sterilants / 1
A 13.79:NC-9 Forest floor fuels in red and jack pine stands / 1