Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 13.79:NE-190 Laboratory assay of cacodylic acid and Meta-Systox-R on Scolytus multistriatus and Pseudopityophthorus SP / 1
A 13.79:NE-191 Relationships between overstory composition and gypsy moth egg-mass density / 1
A 13.79:NE-192 Forest habitat management for non-game birds in central Appalachia / 1
A 13.79:NE-193 Forecasting defoliation by the gypsy moth in oak stands / 1
A 13.79:NE-194 Radiographing puparia of tachinid parasites of the gypsy moth, and application in parasite-release programs / 1
A 13.79:NE-195 Weighted regression analysis and interval estimators / 1
A 13.79:NE-196 A preview of Vermont's forest resource / 1
A 13.79:NE-197 A preview of New Hampshire's forest resource / 1
A 13.79:NE-198 Nutrient composition of blades, petioles, and whole leaves from fertilized and unfertilized yellow-poplar / 1
A 13.79:NE-199 Yield table for hardwood bark residue / 1
A 13.79:NE-200 A first look at logging residue characteristics in West Virginia / 1
A 13.79:NE-201 Ground-cover vegetation management at backcountry recreation sites / 1
A 13.79:NE-202 Weight/volume ratios for Appalachian hardwoods / 1
A 13.79:NE-203 Predicting logging residues : an interim equation for Appalachian oak sawtimber / 1
A 13.79:NE-204 Variations in juvenile oak / 1
A 13.79:NE-205 Red oak borers become sterile when reared under continuous light / 1
A 13.79:NE-206 Relative importance of root grafts and bark beetles to the spread of Dutch elm disease / 1
A 13.79:NE-207 Cost of cutting grapevines before logging / 1
A 13.79:NE-208 Double-drum sawdust stove / 1
A 13.79:NE-209 Sulfur content of hybrid poplar cuttings fumigated with sulfur dioxide / 1