A 13.79:PNW-62
A cumulative cubic-foot tally form for point sampling / |
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A 13.79:PNW-64
Debris avalanching in thin soils derived from bedrock / |
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A 13.79:PNW-68
Soil-water piezometry in a southeast Alaska landslide area / |
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A 13.79:PNW-75
Small mammals and natural reforestation in southeast Alaska / |
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Your match would be here. |
A 13.79:PNW-81
The large aspen tortrix, Choristoneura conflictana (Wlkr.), in interior Alaska / |
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A 13.79:PNW-91
Volume tables and equations for old-growth western hemlock and Sitka spruce in southeast Alaska / |
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A 13.79:PNW-105
Ripening and dispersal of a bumper western hemlock-Sitka spruce seed crop in southeast Alaska / |
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A 13.79:PNW-109
National fire-danger rating system fine-fuel moisture content tables--an Alaskan adaptation / |
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A 13.79:PNW-112
Effects of high soil density on seedling root growth of seven Northwestern tree species / |
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A 13.79:PNW-113
Some effects of shade cover on stream temperature in Southeast Alaska / |
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A 13.79:PNW-118
Albino seedlings of white spruce / |
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A 13.79:PNW-119
Preliminary site index curves for noble fir from stem analysis data / |
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A 13.79:PNW-121
Growth of frost-damaged Douglas-fir seedlings / |
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A 13.79:PNW-123
Stabilization of newly constructed road backslopes by mulch and grass-legume treatments / |
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A 13.79:PNW-124
Effect of Zectran on Microbial Activity in a Forest Soil / |
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A 13.79:PNW-129
White spruce cone and seed production in Interior Alaska, 1957-68 / |
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A 13.79:PNW-142
Sequential sampling of hemlock sawfly eggs in Southeast Alaska / |
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A 13.79:PNW-147
Volume tables and equations for white spruce, balsam poplar, and paper birch of the Kuskokwim River Valley, Alaska / |
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A 13.79:PNW-149
Frost damage to white spruce cones in interior Alaska / |
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A 13.79:PNW-154
Selected 1966-69 Interior Alaska wildfire statistics with long-term comparisons / |
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