A 13.79:RM-142
Assimilation chamber for outdoor measurements of photosynthesis of tree seedlings / |
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A 13.79:RM-143
Assimilation chamber for measuring carbon dioxide exchange of tree seedlings in the laboratory / |
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A 13.79:RM-144
Estimating Defoliation of Douglas-Fir and White Fir by the Western Budworm / |
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A 13.79:RM-145
In vitro digestibility of alpine forages in Wyoming / |
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A 13.79:RM-146
Estimating Numbers of Eggs in Western Budworm Egg Masses / |
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A 13.79:RM-147
Heated thermopile anemometer compared with sensitive-cup anemometer in natural airflow / |
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A 13.79:RM-148
Starvation in antelope with stomachs full of feed / |
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A 13.79:RM-149
Establishment and survival of several grasses in the sagebrush type, west-central New Mexico / |
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A 13.79:RM-150
Strength tests on newly fallen snow / |
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A 13.79:RM-151
Influence of antitranspirants on water use, growth characteristics, and relative drought resistance of ponderosa pine seedlings / |
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A 13.79:RM-152
Measuring angles with a carpenter's folding ruler / |
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A 13.79:RM-153
Pot tests indicate fertilizers can improve soils from Black Mesa in Western Colorado / |
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A 13.79:RM-154
Chemical control of the Arizona five-spined Ips : Ips lecontei Sw. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) / |
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A 13.79:RM-155
Nocturnal radiation loss estimates for a forest canopy / |
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A 13.79:RM-156
Alkali sacaton seedlings : germination and survival in an agar and soil medium / |
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A 13.79:RM-157
Board-foot volumes to a 6-inch top for lodgepole pines in Colorado and Wyoming / |
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A 13.79:RM-158
Foliar moisture content of chaparral in Arizona : accounting for its variation and relating it to prescribed fires (a progress report) / |
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A 13.79:RM-159
Fire stimulated aspen sprouting in a spruce-fir forest in New Mexico / |
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A 13.79:RM-160
Storage does not affect crude protein content of forage samples / |
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A 13.79:RM-161
Cacodylic acid field tested for control of mountain pine beetles in ponderosa pine / |
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