Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 13.79:RM-494 Production and utilization of herbaceous plants in small clearcuts in an Arizona mixed conifer forest / 1
A 13.79:RM-495 Does verbenone reduce mountain pine beetle attacks in susceptible stands of pondersoa pine? / 1
A 13.79:RM-496 Frequency of external defect and skidding damage in ponderosa pine stands in the Black Hills / 1
A 13.79:RM-497 An integrated technique for evaluating root growth potential of tree seedlings / 1
A 13.79:RM-498 Permanent plots for quantifying damage caused by western dwarf mistletoes and their spread and intensification /
Vegetation strips control erosion in watersheds /
A 13.79:RM-500 Comparison of moisture retention curves for representative basaltic and sedimentary soils in Arizona prepared by two methods / 1
A 13.79:RM-501 Verbenone bubble caps ineffective as a preventive strategy against mountain pine beetle attacks in ponderosa pine / 1
A 13.79:RM-502 Modifications of the portable rocket-net capture system to improve performance / 1
A 13.79:RM-503 Red belt in lodgepole pine in the Front Range of Colorado / 1
A 13.79:RM-504 Upward advance, intensification, and spread of Dwarf Mistletoe in a thinned stand of Western Larch / 1
A 13.79:RM-505 Red turpentine beetles in partially cut stands of Ponderosa Pine / 1
A 13.79:RM-506 Runoff and sediment rates on San Mateo and Querencia soils, Rio Puerco Watershed Management Area, NM / 1
A 13.79:RM-507 Natural tree regeneration after clearcutting in Arizona's ponderosa pine forests : two long-term case studies / 1
A 13.79:RM-508 Net precipitation within small group infestations of the Mountain Pine Beetle / 1
A 13.79:RM-509 Periodic annual increment in basal area and diameter growth in partial cut stands of Ponderosa pine / 1
A 13.79:RM-510 A method for constructing site index curves from height-age measurements applied to Douglas-fir in the Southwest / 1
A 13.79:RM-511 Vegetation establishment on reclaimed coal mine spoils in northwestern New Mexico / 1
A 13.79:RM-512 The effect of training block size on unsupervised classification of Landsat thematic mapper imagery / 1
A 13.79:RM-513 Fungi associated with sprout mortality in aspen clearcuts in Colorado and Arizona / 1
A 13.79:RM-514 Effects of gibberellic acid, N-6-benzylaminopurine, and acetone on pinyon (Pinus edulis) germination / 1