Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 13.79:RM-509 Periodic annual increment in basal area and diameter growth in partial cut stands of Ponderosa pine / 1
A 13.79:RM-510 A method for constructing site index curves from height-age measurements applied to Douglas-fir in the Southwest / 1
A 13.79:RM-511 Vegetation establishment on reclaimed coal mine spoils in northwestern New Mexico / 1
A 13.79:RM-512 The effect of training block size on unsupervised classification of Landsat thematic mapper imagery / 1
A 13.79:RM-513 Fungi associated with sprout mortality in aspen clearcuts in Colorado and Arizona / 1
A 13.79:RM-514 Effects of gibberellic acid, N-6-benzylaminopurine, and acetone on pinyon (Pinus edulis) germination / 1
A 13.79:RM-515 Stand density and mountain pine beetle-caused tree mortality in Ponderosa Pine stands / 1
A 13.79:RM-516 Potential influences of horizontal and vertical air movement in ponderosa pine stands on mountain pine beetle dispersal / 1
A 13.79:RM-517 A rain simulator for greenhouse use / 1
A 13.79:RM-518 Formulating MAXMIN objectives in national forest planning models / 1
A 13.79:RM-519 Insects emerging from lodgepole pine infected by comandra blister rust / 1
A 13.79:RM-520 Distribution and causes of canopy gaps in white spruce in the Black Hills / 1
A 13.79:RM-521 Phloem temperatures in mountain pine bettle-infested ponderosa pine / 1
A 13.79:RM-522 Mountain pine beetle emergence from infested logs during hauling / 1
A 13.79:RM-523 Large scale spatial patterns of conifer diseases in the Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming / 1
A 13.79:RM-524 Modeling initial conditions for root rot in forest stands : random proportions / 1
A 13.79:RM-525 Frequency of external defect and skidding damage in lodgepole pine stands in Colorado and Wyoming / 1
A 13.79:RM-526 Herbicide and fire effects on leafy spurge density and seed germiniation / 1
A 13.79:RM-527 Using conditional utility models for measuring welfare / 1
A 13.79:RM-528 Robustness of the point-line method for monitoring basal cover / 1