A 13.79:SO-25
Rooting cuttings of browse plants / |
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A 13.79:SO-26
Forest floor in loblolly pine plantations as related to stand characteristics / |
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A 13.79:SO-27
Shortleaf pine stands five years after seedfall on prepared sites / |
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A 13.79:SO-28
Forest species compared in Ozark plantations / |
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A 13.79:SO-29
1965 harvest, Crossett farm forestry forties / |
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A 13.79:SO-30
Pine seedling survival under simulated drought / |
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A 13.79:SO-31
Litter in longleaf pine stands thinned to prescribed densities / |
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A 13.79:SO-32
Survival and first-year growth of hardwoods planted in saturated soils / |
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A 13.79:SO-33
Appalachian loblolly grows well in Arkansas Ozarks / |
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A 13.79:SO-34
Five years of nitrogen fertilization in a sweetgum-oak stand / |
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A 13.79:SO-35
An eight-day volumetric pollen sample / |
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A 13.79:SO-36
East Texas' timber harvest, 1964 / |
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A 13.79:SO-37
Periodic cubic growth in natural loblolly stands near Crossett, Arkansas / |
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A 13.79:SO-38
Controlling Texas leaf-cutting ants with mirex / |
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A 13.79:SO-39
Clearwing borer in red oaks / |
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A 13.79:SO-40
Properties of forested loess soils after repeated prescribed burns / |
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A 13.79:SO-41
Loblolly seed dormancy influenced by cone and seed handling procedures and parent tree / |
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A 13.79:SO-42
Gibberellin-induced growth of dormant sweetgum / |
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A 13.79:SO-43
Diameter growth and foliar nitrogen in fertilized loblolly pines / |
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A 13.79:SO-44
Thinning loblolly pine from above and below / |
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