Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 13.88:NC-15 Local net volume equations for Missouri / 1
A 13.88:NC-16 Wildfire atlas of the Northeastern and North Central States / 1
A 13.88:NC-17 Introduction to uses and interpretation of principal component analysis in forest biology / 1
A 13.88:NC-18 The forest products industry and the environment : a selected bibliography / 1
A 13.88:NC-19 A case study showing potential supplies of red pine sawtimber in the Lake States / 1
A 13.88:NC-20 Estimating aspen volume and weight for individual trees, diameter classes, or entire stands / 1
A 13.88:NC-21 Intensive plantation culture : five years research. 1
A 13.88:NC-22 Interaction geometry : an ecological perspective / 1
A 13.88:NC-23 A guide for evaluating the adequacy of oak advance reproduction / 1
A 13.88:NC-24 Mathematical functions for predicting growth and yield of black walnut plantations in the Central States / 1
A 13.88:NC-25 Empirical yield tables for Wisconsin / 1
A 13.88:NC-26 Proceedings of the twelfth Lake States Forest Tree Improvement Conference, August 1975. 1
A 13.88:NC-27 Where to find weather and climatic data for forest research studies and management planning / 1
A 13.88:NC-28 Proceedings : symposium, river recreation management and research, January 24-27, 1977, Minneapolis, Minnesota / 1
A 13.88:NC-29 Wildlife of the prairies and plains / 1
A 13.88:NC-30 Cavity nesting bird habitat in the oak-hickory forest : a review / 1
A 13.88:NC-31 Peatland and water in the northern Lake States / 1
A 13.88:NC-32 Manager's handbook for jack pine in the north central States / 1
A 13.88:NC-33 Manager's handbook for red pine in the north central States / 1
A 13.88:NC-34 Manager's handbook for black spruce in the north central states / 1