A 13.88:NC-42
Elm-ash-cottonwood forest type bibliography / |
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A 13.88:NC-43
Forest fire reporting by northeastern states / |
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A 13.88:NC-44
Thirty years of soil and water research by the Forest Service in Wisconsin's Driftless Area : a history and annotated bibliography / |
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A 13.88:NC-45
The extent and characteristics of low productivity aspen areas in Wisconsin / |
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A 13.88:NC-46
Proceedings : 1977 midwest forest mensurationists meeting. |
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A 13.88:NC-47
Converting partially-stocked aspen stands to fully-stocked stands in the Lake States : an economic analysis / |
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A 13.88:NC-48
Some harvest options and their consequences for the aspen, birch, and associated conifer forest types of the Lake States / |
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A 13.88:NC-49
A generalized forest growth projection system applied to the Lake States region. |
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A 13.88:NC-50
Proceedings of the thirteenth Lake States Forest Tree Improvement Conference, August 17-18, 1977, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN. |
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A 13.88:NC-51
Proceedings of the workshop : management of northcentral and northeastern forests for nongame birds, January 23-25, 1979, Minneapolis, Minnesota / |
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A 13.88:NC-52
Walnut insects and diseases : workshop proceedings, June 13-14, 1978, Carbondale, Illinois / |
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A 13.88:NC-53
Macronutrient deficiency symptoms in seedlings of four northern hardwoods / |
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A 13.88:NC-54
Metric site index curves for aspen, birch, and conifer in the Lake States / |
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A 13.88:NC-55
Determining fixed and operating costs of logging equipment / |
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A 13.88:NC-56
How to formulate and solve optimal stand density over time problems for even-aged stands using dynamic programming / |
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A 13.88:NC-57
How to diagnose black walnut damage / |
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A 13.88:NC-58
Energy & wood from intensively cultured plantations : research and development program. |
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A 13.88:NC-59
Drying hardwoods with impinging jets / |
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A 13.88:NC-60
Weight and volume equations and tables for six upland hardwoods in southern Illinois / |
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A 13.88:NC-61
Estimating plant biomass for undergrowth species of northeastern Minnesota / |
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