Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 13.88:PNW-73 Documentation of meteorological data from the coniferous forest biome primary station in Oregon / 1
A 13.88:PNW-74 Proceedings of the Western Juniper Ecology and Management Workshop, Bend, Oregon, January 1977. 1
A 13.88:PNW-75 Public participation in wilderness and backcountry litter control : a review of research and management experience / 1
A 13.88:PNW-76 Planning for prescribed burning in the inland Northwest / 1
A 13.88:PNW-77 Herbicides for shrub and weed tree control in western Oregon / 1
A 13.88:PNW-78 Relative density : the key to stocking assessment in regional analysis : a Forest Survey viewpoint / 1
A 13.88:PNW-79 Determining average yarding distance / 1
A 13.88:PNW-80 Wildlife habitats in managed rangelands : the Great Basin of southeastern Oregon : riparian zones / 1
A 13.88:PNW-81 Identifying and evaluating environmental impacts associated with timber harvest scheduling policies / 1
A 13.88:PNW-82 Selection, management, and utilization of biosphere reserves : proceedings of the United States-Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Symposium on Biosphere Reserves, Moscow, USSR, May 1976 / 1
A 13.88:PNW-83 Fertilizing Douglas-fir forests /
Fertilizing Douglas-fir forests
A 13.88:PNW-84 Wildlife habitats in managed rangelands : the Great Basin of southeastern Oregon : native trout / 1
A 13.88:PNW-85 Wildlife habitats in managed rangelands : the Great Basin of southeastern Oregon : edges / 1
A 13.88:PNW-86 Wildlife habitats in managed rangelands : the Great Basin of southeastern Oregon : manmade habitats / 1
A 13.88:PNW-87 Comparative autecological characteristics of northwestern tree species : a literature review / 1
A 13.88:PNW-88 Management of western hemlock-Sitka spruce forests for timber production / 1
A 13.88:PNW-89 Documentation of the Douglas-fir tussock moth outbreak-population model / 1
A 13.88:PNW-90 Ecological effects of the Wickersham Dome fire near Fairbanks, Alaska / 1
A 13.88:PNW-91 Baseline climatic and hydrologic relationships for the high ridge evaluation area / 1
A 13.88:PNW-92 Operational test of the prototype peewee yarder / 1