Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-132 Postfire mortality of Ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir a review of methods to predict tree death /
Postfire mortality of Ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir : a review of methods to predict tree death /
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-134 Interspecific and intraspecific variation in Picea engelmannii and its congeneric cohorts : biosystematics, genecology, and climate change /
Interspecific and intraspecific variation in Picea engelmannii and its congeneric cohorts biosystematics, genecology, and climate change /
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-135/ Assessment of grassland ecosystem conditions in the southwestern United States / 1
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-135/V.1- Assessment of grassland ecosystem conditions in the southwestern United States / 1
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-136/ Restoring western ranges and wildlands / 1
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-136/V.1-3 Restoring western ranges and wildlands 1
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-137 Managing the unexpected in prescribed fire and fire use operations : a workshop on the High Reliability Organization, Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 10-13, 2004 / 1
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-138 Repeatability of riparian vegetation sampling methods how useful are these techniques for broad-scale, long-term monitoring? / 1
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-139 Historic range of variability for upland vegetation in the Medicine Bow National Forest, Wyoming /
Historic range of variability for upland vegetation in the Medicine Bow National Forest, Wyoming
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-140 Historic range of variability for upland vegetation in the Bighorn National Forest, Wyoming /
Historic range of variability for upland vegetation in the Bighorn National Forest, Wyoming
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-141 Root diseases in coniferous forests of the Inland West : potential implication of fuels treatments /
Root diseases in coniferous forests of the inland west potential implications of fuels treatments /
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-142 Assessment of native species and ungulate grazing in the Southwest : terrestrial wildlife /
Assessment of native species and ungulate grazing in the Southwest terrestrial wildlife /
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-143 Computer simulation modeling of recreation use : current status, case studies, and future directions / 1
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-144 Big sagebrush a sea fragmented into lakes, ponds, and puddles /
Big sagebrush : a sea fragmented into lakes, ponds, and puddles /
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-145 Stereo photo guide for estimating canopy fuel characteristics in conifer stands
Stereo photo guide for estimating canopy fuel characteristics in conifer stands /
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-146 Changing times at the Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station station history from 1976 to 1997 /
Changing times at the Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station : station history from 1976 to 1997 /
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-147 WinXSPRO a channel cross section analyzer : user's manual /
WinXSPRO : a channel cross section analyzer : user's manual /
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-148 Winter movements and range use of radio-marked Mexican spotted owls an evaluation of current management recommendations / 1
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-148 WWW Winter movements and range use of radio-marked Mexican spotted owls an evaluation of current management recommendations / 1
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-149 A strategic assessment of forest biomass and fuel reduction treatments in Western states
A strategic assessment of forest biomass and fuel reduction treatments in Western states /