Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 17.18/4:92-15 Rural education : January 1979 - September 1991 / 1
A 17.18/4:92-16 Earthworms in agriculture : January 1986 - October 1991 / 1
A 17.18/4:92-17 Gypsy moth (lymantria dispar) & its control : January 1979 - October 1991 / 1
A 17.18/4:92-18 Information access in rural America : January 1979 - September 1991 / 1
A 17.18/4:92-19 Gene transfer in animal systems : January 1985 - October 1991 / 1
A 17.18/4:92-20 Raising quail, partridge, pheasant, bobwhites, and ostriches : January 1987 - January 1992 / 1
A 17.18/4:92-21 Crime in rural America : January 1979 - September 1991 / 1
A 17.18/4:92-22 Plant propagation : January 1982 - November 1991 / 1
A 17.18/4:92-23 Goat production and marketing in the United States : January 1984 - December 1991 / 1
A 17.18/4:92-24 Air pollution effects on crops and forests, January 1986 - December 1991 / 1
A 17.18/4:92-25 Breeding and selecting crops for insect pest resistance : January 1986 - December 1991 / 1
A 17.18/4:92-26 Drip, trickle and surge irrigation : January 1988 - December 1991 / 1
A 17.18/4:92-27 Farming systems research, January 1979 - December 1991 / 1
A 17.18/4:92-28 Agroforestry systems : January 1987 - December 1991 / 1
A 17.18/4:92-29 Part-time farming : January 1979 - January 1992 / 1
A 17.18/4:92-30 BST-bovine growth hormone : January 1987 - January 1992 / 1
A 17.18/4:92-31 PST-porcine growth hormone : January 1979 - January 1992 / 1
A 17.18/4:92-32 Artificial insemination : January 1987 - January 1992 / 1
A 17.18/4:92-33 Zoonoses, disease transmission from animal to man : January 1987 - January 1992 / 1
A 17.18/4:92-34 Plant genome analysis techniques, electroporationmethods and applications : January 1986 - December 1991 / 1