Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 36.5:126/rev Regulations for cotton warehouses. 1
A36.5-126.1 Regulations of Secretary of Agriculture under U.S. Warehouse Act of Aug. 11, 1916, as amended : Revised regulations for cotton warehouses, approved Apr. 27, 1931. 1
A 36.5:127 Regulations for warehousemen storing grain. 1
A 36.5:127/2 Regulations for warehousemen storing grain, approved May 9, 1931, amended Dec. 17, 1936. 1
A36.5..127_2 Regulations for warehousemen storing grain, approved May 9, 1931, amended Dec. 17, 1936. 1
A36.5-127.1 Regulations for warehousemen storing grain. 1
A 36.5:128 Regulations for warehousemen storing wool under U.S. Warehouse Act. 1
A36.5-128 Regulations for warehousemen storing wool under U.S. Warehouse Act. 1
A 36.5:129 Regulations for warehousemen storing tobacco : regulations of the secretary of agriculture under the united states warehouse act of August 11, 1916 as amended.
Regulations for warehousemen storing tobacco under U.S. Warehouse Act.
A 36.5:129/2 Regulations for warehousemen storing tobacco, approved Aug. 3, 1935, amended Mar. 26, 1936. 1
A36.5..129_2 Regulations for warehousemen storing tobacco, approved Aug. 3, 1935, amended Mar. 26, 1936. 1
A36.5-129.1 Regulations for warehousemen storing tobacco under U.S. Warehouse Act. 1
A 36.5:130 Regulations for warehousemen storing dry beans under U.S. Warehouse Act. 1
A36.5-130 Regulations for warehousemen storing dry beans under U.S. Warehouse Act. 1
A 36.5:131 Rules and regulations of Secretary of Agriculture governing inspection and certification of dressed poultry and dressed domestic rabbits for external condition and of dressed poultry and dressed domestic rabbits and edible products thereof for condition and wholesomeness under Act of Congress. 1
A 36.5:131/rev Rules and regulations of the secretary of agriculture governing the inspection and certification of dressed poultry and dressed domestic rabbits and edible products thereof for condition and wholesomeness. 1
A36.5-131.1 Rules and regulations of Secretary of Agriculture governing inspection and certification of dressed poultry and dressed domestic rabbits for external condition and of dressed poultry and dressed domestic rabbits and edible products thereof for condition and wholesomeness under Act of Congress. 1
A 36.5:132 Regulations for warehousemen storing canned foods. 1
A36.5-132 Regulations for warehousemen storing canned foods. 1
A 36.5:133 Official standards of U.S. for grading, sampling, and analyzing of cottonseed sold or offered for sale for crushing purposes, effective June 1932. 1