Call Number (LC) Title Results
A67.16..39 European cooperatives as markets for United States farm products. 1
A 67.16:40 Observations on the vegetable oils situation in certain countries of Europe and in source areas of Africa. 1
A 67.16:41 World flaxseed situation, 1949. 1
A 67.16:42 Cotton production in Pakistan. 1
A 67.16:43 The market outlook and prospective competition for United States rice in the Western Hemisphere / 1
A 67.16:44 Export outlook for United States fats, oils, and oilseeds in selected European countries. 1
A 67.16:45 Cotton production in India. 1
A 67.16:46 Mexican farm wages and farm labor productivity / 1
A 67.16:47 The European market for dry edible beans and related pulses. 1
A 67.16:48 United States wool and its relation to the world situation. 1
A 67.16:49 The Amazon basin Brazil nut industry / 1
A 67.16:50 Market potentialities for wheat and wheat flour in the Far East / 1
A 67.16:51 Buying and selling by cooperatives in Europe / 1
A 67.16:52 African oil palm in Central America / 1
A 67.16:53 Outlook for imports of United States dairy products in Venezuela. 1
A 67.16:54 Cotton production and trade in Mozambique. 1
A 67.16:55 Trends in South and East Africa affecting United States trade in tobacco / 1
A 67.16:56 A study of the citrus industry of Spain, 1950. 1
A 67.16:56/rev. 961 Citrus industry of Spain. 1
A 67.16:57 The market for dried fruit in six European countries. 1