A 77.15:NE-11-3
A 77.15:NE-11-4
A 77.15:NE-11-5
Tables on hatchery and flock participation in the National poultry improvement plan : highlights for testing year 1976-77. |
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A 77.15:NE-13
A cost comparison of high and low ceilings in modern grocery warehouses / |
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A 77.15:NE-18
A system for collection, preparation, translation, and computer reducton of digital hydrologic data / |
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A 77.15:NE-21-
Report of random sample egg production tests, United States and Canada. |
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A 77.15:NE-21-3
A 77.15:NE-21-4
A 77.15:NE-21-5
A 77.15:NE-30
Transient response of a layered, sloping soil to natural rainfall in the presence of a shallow water table : experimental results / |
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A 77.15:NE-32-2
A 77.15:NE-42
A portable self-contained system for the continuous electronic recording of moisture conditions on the surfaces of living plants / |
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A 77.15:NE-46
Computer input microfilm (CIM) feasibility study / |
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A 77.15:NE-57
An evaluation of systems for harvesting grapefruit in Texas. |
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A 77.15:NE-59
Nutrition programs for the elderly : a guide to menu planning, buying and the care of food for community programs / |
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A 77.15:NE-62
Pathogens of selected members of the Papaveraceae ; an annotated bibliography. |
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A 77.15:NE-65
A 77.15:NE-67
A 77.15:NE-68
A 77.15:NE-76
Fruit and tree nut germplasm resources inventory / |
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