Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 88.40:168 Summer potatoes, fall potatoes. 1
A 88.40:169 Regulations governing grading and inspection of manufactured or processed dairy products. : Effective July 1, 1959. 1
A 88.40:194/959 School lunch recipes using dried whole egg solids (stabilized) 1
A 88.40:210/964 Checklist of U.S. standards for farm products. 1
A 88.40:211 The Current and prospective hog situation. 1
A 88.40:221/962 A key to the market : dairy and poultry market news service. 1
A 88.40:228 Suggested layouts for warehouses for service wholesalers of fruits and vegetables / 1
A 88.40:230/961 Marketing agreements and orders for fruits and vegetables. 1
A 88.40:231 Health improvement activity in rural development program counties : second progress report. 1
A 88.40:232 A warehouse layout for a fruit and vegetable service wholesaler in a terminal market / 1
A 88.40:233 The Effect of prestorage packinghouse treatments on the control of decay of Florida oranges during storage at Orlando, Florida, and New York City, N.Y., 1951 / 1
A 88.40:234 Peanut market news : peanut price summary, 1920-58. 1
A 88.40:236 Handling and storage of apples in pallet boxes / 1
A 88.40:237 Control of inventories in retail food stores through use of order books / 1
A 88.40:245 Grade and color indexes developed for evaluating results of USDA cotton finishing tests : [with list of literature cited] / 1
A 88.40:246 Equipment and methods for measuring egg quality / 1
A 88.40:246/960 Equipment and methods for measuring egg quality / 1
A 88.40:249 Consumption patterns for meat / 1
A 88.40:259 Building better Type A school lunches : a flannelgraph presentation. 1
A 88.40:260 Survey of farm labor in Mississippi / 1