A 88.40:305
News tips on regulatory marketing programs. |
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A 88.40:306
Patterns of rice distribution in the United States and territories / |
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A 88.40:310
Labor efficiency in formula feed production / |
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A 88.40:311
Number, size, and location of egg assemblers / |
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A 88.40:312
Prepackaging firm-ripe peaches : an interim report / |
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A 88.40:313/961
Suggested demonstrations using dried whole egg in family meals. |
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A 88.40:314
Cutting costs of handling produce at retail : [with list of publications for more information] |
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A 88.40:315
Adjusting marketing service programs to changing conditions : a report of the National Marketing Service Workshop at Springfield, Ill., November 18, 19, 20, 1958. |
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A 88.40:316
Developments in marketing spreads for agricultural products in 1958 : [Includes list of recent publications on Margins, costs, and practices.] |
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A 88.40:317
Mechanically processing wholesale frozen food orders / |
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A 88.40:318
Comparison of 2 methods of estimating backfat thickness in live hogs, (human judgment versus ultrasonics) a preliminary report : [with list of literature cited] / |
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A 88.40:320
Carnation prices and receipts in New York City / |
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A 88.40:321
Loading methods for truck shipments of apples in fiberboard boxes : an interim report / |
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A 88.40:323
Tables of cotton-fiber strength for flat bundle strength tests at 1/8-inch gauge. |
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A 88.40:324
Potential markets for partially acetylated cotton : [with list of literature cited / |
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A 88.40:325
Shrinkage losses and grade changes in wheat stored in bin sites in Kansas / |
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A 88.40:326
The Marketing bill for farm food products. |
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A 88.40:327
Indexes of factory production of domestic farm food products / |
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A 88.40:329
Apparatus for the Causticaire method of measuring cotton-fiber maturity and fineness / |
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A 88.40:330
An experimental packing line for McIntosh apples : an interim report / |
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