Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 9.5:24/rev The two-lined chestnut borer (Agrilus bilineatus Weber.) / 1
A 9.5:25 Ox warble (Hypoderma lineata Villers.)
Ox Warble (Hypoderma Lineata Villers.) /
A 9.5:26 The pear slug (Eriocampoides limacina Retzius) /
Pear slug (Eriocampoides limacina Retzins.)
A 9.5:27 Mexican cotton-boll weevil in 1897
Mexican cotton-boll weevil in 1897 /
A 9.5:28 Box-elder plant-bug (Leptocoris trivittatus Say.) /
Box-elder plant-bug (Leptocoris trivittatus Say.)
A 9.5:29 Fruit-tree bark-beetle (Scolytus rugulosus Ratz.)
Fruit-tree bark-beetle (Scolytus rugulosus Ratz)
A 9.5:29/[rev.1] Fruit-tree bark-beetle (Scolytus rugulosus Ratz.) 1
A 9.5:29/[rev.2] Fruit-tree bark-beetle (Scolytus rugulosus Ratz.) 1
A 9.5:30 The periodical cicada in 1898.
Periodical cicada in 1898
A 9.5:31 Striped cucumber beetle (Diabrotica vittata Fab.) 2
A 9.5:31/rev The striped cucumber beetle. : (Diabrotica vittata Fab.)
The striped cucumber beetle (Diabrotica vittata Fab.) /
A 9.5:31/[rev.1] Striped cucumber beetle (Diabrotica vittata Fab.) 1
A 9.5:31/[rev.2] Striped cucumber beetle (Diabrotica vittata Fab.) 1
A 9.5:32 Larger apple-tree borers 2
A 9.5:32/2 The larger apple-tree borers. 1
A 9.5:32/[rev.1] Larger apple-tree borers 1
A 9.5:32/[rev.2] Larger apple-tree borers 1
A 9.5:32/rev. 2 The larger apple-tree borers. 1
A 9.5:32/[rev.3] Larger apple-tree borers 1
A 9.5:33 Remedial work against the Mexican cotton-boll weevil /
Remedial work against Mexican cotton-boll weevil