Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 93.41:78 The farm entrepreneurial population, 1988 / 1
A 93.41:80 The role of the elderly's income in rural development / 1
A 93.41:81 Work and poverty in metro and nonmetro areas / 1
A 93.41:82 The economic well-being of nonmetro children / 1
A 93.41:84 The farm entrepreneurial population, 1988-90 /
The farm entrepreneurial population, 1988-90
A 93.41:85 Changes in farm and farm-related employment, 1975-89 /
Changes in farm and farm-related employment, 1975-89
A 93.41:86 Health status and use of health care services by the older population a residential comparison /
Health status and use of health care services by the older population : a residential comparison /
A 93.41:87 Helping rural manufacturers adjust to new trade rules developing state strategies for the rural apparel industry /
Helping rural manufacturers adjust to new trade rules : developing state strategies for the rural apparel industry /
A 93.41:89 The revised ERS county typology an overview /
The revised ERS county typology : an overview /
A 93.41:90 Changes in the older population and implications for rural areas 1
A 93.41:91 Meeting the housing needs of rural residents results of the 1998 survey of USDA's Single Family Direct Loan Housing Program / 1
A 93.41:92 Displaced workers differences in nonmetro and metro experience in the mid-1990s / 1
A 93.41:95 Wage premiums for on-the-job computer use a metro and nonmetro analysis / 1
A 93.41:97-1  
A 93.41:99 New patterns of hispanic settlement in rural America
New patterns of Hispanic settlement in rural America /
A 93.41:179 Cooperative coordination of production and harvesting decisions 1
A 93.43: Outlook for U.S. agricultural exports /
Agricultural exports /
Outlook for U.S. agricultural trade.
Outlook for U.S. agricultural exports.
Outlook for U.S. agricultural exports
A 93.44: Foreign ownership of U.S. agricultural land /
Foreign ownership of U.S. agricultural land
Cotton ginning charges, harvesting practices, and selected marketing costs
A 93.44/2: Abstracts of staff reports / 1
A 93.44/3: U.S. imports of fruits and vegetables under plant quarantine regulations 1