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How retail beef and bread prices respond to changes in ingredient and input costs |
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Reciprocal trade agreements : impacts on bilateral trade expansion and contraction in the world agricultural marketplace / |
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A revised and expanded food dollar series a better understanding of our food costs / |
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Selected trade agreements and implications for U.S. agriculture |
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Food security improved following the 2009 ARRA increase in SNAP benefits |
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School foodservice costs location matters / |
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The effect of food and beverage prices on children's weights |
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Impacts of regional approaches to rural development initial evidence on the Delta Regional Authority / |
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Grassland to cropland conversion in the Northern Plains the role of crop insurance, commodity, and disaster programs / |
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Wheat flour price shocks and household food security in Afghanistan / |
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The expansion of modern grocery retailing and trade in developing countries |
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Impacts of higher energy prices on agriculture and rural economies |
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The infant formular market : consequences of a change in the WIC contract brand / |
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Alternatives to a state-based ACRE program expected payments under a national, crop district, or county base / |
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Nitrogen in agricultural systems implications for conservation policy / |
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Direct and intermediated marketing of local foods in the United States |
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The relationship between national brand and private label food products prices, promotions, recessions, and recoveries / |
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Research investments and market structure in the food processing, agricultural input, and biofuel industries worldwide |
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Rural wealth creation concepts, strategies, and measures / |
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Alleviating poverty in the United States : the critical role of SNAP benefits / |
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