Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 93.73:91 Farm household well-being comparing consumption- and income-based measures / 1
A 93.73:92 Changing participation in food assistance programs among low-income children after welfare reform 1
A 93.73:93 Rising infant formula costs to the WIC program recent trends in rebates and wholesale prices / 1
A 93.73:94 Energy use in the U.S. food system 1
A 93.73:95 Assessing the benefits of public research within an economic framework the case of USDA's Agricultural Research Service / 1
A 93.73:96 Promoting fruit and vegetable consumption are coupons more effective than pure price discounts? / 1
A 93.73:97 Local food systems concepts, impacts, and issues / 1
A 93.73:98 The Farm Act's regional equity provision impacts on conservation program outcomes / 1
A 93.73:99 Comparing the structure, size, and performance of local and mainstream food supply chains 1
A 93.73:100 Taxing caloric sweetened beverages potential effects on beverage consumption, calorie intake, and obesity / 1
A 93.73:101 ACRE Program payments and risk reduction : an analysis based on simulations of crop revenue variability / 1
A 93.73:102 Effects of increased biofuels on the U.S. economy in 2022 1
A 93.73:103 The Food Assistance National Input-Output Multiplier (FANIOM) model and stimulus effects of SNAP 1
A 93.73:104 How food away from home affects children's diet quality 1
A 93.73:105 How much lower are prices at discount stores? an examination of retail food prices / 1
A 93.73:106 The U.S. produce industry and labor facing the future in a global economy / 1
A 93.73:107 Nonmetropolitan outmigration counties some are poor, many are prosperous / 1
A 93.73:109 WIC participation patterns an investigation of delayed entry and early exit / 1
A 93.73:110 The influence of rising commodity prices on the Conservation Reserve Program 1
A 93.73:111 Climate change policy and the adoption of methane digesters on livestock operations / 1