Call Number (LC) Title Results
A1.14-2.105 Forest trails and highways of Mount Hood region, Oregon National Forest, Oreg. 1
A1.14-2.106 Status and results, county agent work, Northern and Western States, 1919. 1
A1.14-2.107 System of field and office records for county extension workers. 1
A1.14-2.108 Chicory; control and eradication. 1
A1.14-2.109 Cocklebur. 1
A1.14-2.110 Work of Umatilla Reclamation Project experiment farm in 1918 and 1919. 1
A1.14-2.111 Potato wart. 1
A1.14-2.112 Timber depletion and the answer; summary of report on timber depletion and related subjects prepared in response to Senate Resolution 311. 1
A1.14-2.113 Alfalfa; instructions adapted to Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. 1
A1.14-2.114 Motion pictures of U.S. Department of Agriculture; list of films and their uses. 1
A1.14-2.115 Alfalfa; instructions adapted to southern New Jersey, Delaware, southern Maryland, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and South Atlantic and Gulf States. 1
A1.14-2.116 Alfalfa; instructions adapted to Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, and Kentucky. 1
A1.14-2.117 Peruvian alfalfa. 1
A1.14-2.118 Field pea. 1
A1.14-2.119 Cowpeas. 1
A1.14-2.120 Soy bean. 1
A1.14-2.121 Velvet beans. 1
A1.14-2.122 Dry-land alfalfa. 1
A1.14-2.123 Grimm alfalfa. 1
A1.14-2.124 Spur feterita. 1