Call Number (LC) Title Results
A1.14-2.222 Insulating value of commercial double-walled beehives. 1
A1.14-2.223 Important forest trees of eastern U.S. 1
A1.14-2.224 Nicotine dust for control of striped cucumber beetle; preliminary report. 1
A1.14-2.225 Annual report of Governor of Alaska on Alaska game law. 1
A1.14-2.226 White-pine blister rust in western U.S. 1
A1.14-2.227 Eastern blue-stem of black raspberry. 1
A1.14-2.228 Live-stock industry in South America. 1
A1.14-2.229 Wild rice. 1
A1.14-2.230 Home tanning. 1
A1.14-2.231 Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wis. 1
A1.14-2.232 By-products from citrus fruits. 1
A1.14-2.233 Motion pictures of U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1
A1.14-2.234 Bacterial spot of cucumbers. 1
A1.14-2.235 Utility value of purebred livestock. 1
A1.14-2.236 Defects in quality of butter. 1
A1.14-2.237 Some experiments with boric-acid canning powder. 1
A1.14-2.238 U.S. grades for potatoes recommended by U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1
A1.14-2.239 State forestry laws of 1921. 1
A1.14-2.240 National forests of New Mexico. 1
A1.14-2.241 Food animals and meat consumption in U.S. 1