Call Number (LC) Title Results
A1.14-2.279 Greasewood as poisonous plant. 1
A1.14-2.28 Cotton gin fires caused by static electricity. 1
A1.14-2.280 Kota wheat. 1
A1.14-2.281 Potato brown-rot. 1
A1.14-2.282 Australian tomato weevil introduced in the South (preliminary account) 1
A1.14-2.283 Livestock poisoning by cocklebur. 1
A1.14-2.284 Sterilization of American foulbrood combs. 1
A1.14-2.285 Status and results of home demonstration work, Northern and Western States, 1921. 1
A1.14-2.286 Chayote; its culture and uses. 1
A1.14-2.287 Occurrence of diseases of adult bees, II. 1
A1.14-2.288 Puss caterpillar and effects of its sting on man. 1
A1.14-2.289 Work of Scottsbluff experiment farm in 1920 and 1921. 1
A1.14-2.29 Vacation trips in Holy Cross National Forest. 1
A1.14-2.290 U.S. grades for rough rice recommended by U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1
A1.14-2.291 U.S. grades for milled rice recommended by U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1
A1.14-2.292 Slash disposal in western white pine forests in Idaho. 1
A1.14-2.293 Commercial control of citrus stem-end rot. 1
A1.14-2.294 Rat mite attacking man. 1
A1.14-2.295 Basic grading rules and working stresses for structural timbers, as recommended by Department of Agriculture. 1
A1.14-2.296 Standard grading specifications for yard lumber, as recommended by Department of Agriculture. 1