Call Number (LC) Title Results
A1.14-2.423 Use of electrolytic bridge for determining soluble salts. 1
A1.14-2.424 Further studies on flag smut of wheat. 1
A1.14-2.425 Observations on some alfalfa root troubles. 1
A1.14-2.43 Redtop (Agrostis alba) 1
A1.14-2.44 Italian rye-grass (Lolium multiflorum) 1
A1.14-2.45 Para grass (Panicum barbinode) 1
A1.14-2.46 How to make hog crate. 1
A1.14-2.47 Stomach worms in sheep; prevention and treatment. 1
A1.14-2.48 Club member's home vegetable garden. 1
A1.14-2.49 Making and maintaining lawn. 1
A1.14-2.5 Out-of-door playgrounds of San Isabel National Forest. 1
A1.14-2.50 Sudan grass. 1
A1.14-2.51 Our national elk herds; program for conserving elk on national forests about Yellowstone National Park. 1
A1.14-2.52 Points for poultry packers, no. 4 : How to wrap heads. 1
A1.14-2.53 Milk and cream contests. 1
A1.14-2.54 Tuberculosis eradication under accredited-herd plan : Herd List No. 2. List of herds officially accredited as free from tuberculosis and of herds that have passed successfully one test with view to certification. 1
A1.14-2.55 Points for egg shippers, no. 1 (revised) : How to load cars of eggs. 1
A1.14-2.56 Suggested improvements in methods of selling cotton by farmers based on comparison of cotton producers' and consumers' prices. 1
A1.14-2.57 Report on retail prices of unmixed fertilizer material as of June 1, 1919, with comparative prices for May 1. 1
A1.14-2.58 Fruit growing on northern Great Plains. 1