Call Number (LC) Title Results
A1.14-2.75 Work of Yuma Reclamation Project experiment farm in 1918. 1
A1.14-2.76 Directions for collecting flowering plants and ferns. 1
A1.14-2.77 Suggestions for State law providing for organization of farmers' mutual fire insurance companies. 1
A1.14-2.78 Machine for trimming camphor trees 1
A1.14-2.79 Tropical fowl mite in U.S., with notes on life history and control. 1
A1.14-2.8 Arbor day. 1
A1.14-2.80 Work in 1918 of Newlands (formerly Truckee-Carson) Reclamation Project experiment farm. 1
A1.14-2.81 Astragalus tetrapterus, new poisonous plant of Utah and Nevada. 1
A1.14-2.82 New sheep-poisoning plant of Southern States. 1
A1.14-2.83 Testing farms in South for efficiency in management. 1
A1.14-2.84 Crop injury by borax in fertilizers. 1
A1.14-2.85 Safe farming in Southern States in 1920. 1
A1.14-2.86 Work of Huntley Reclamation Project experiment farm in 1918. 1
A1.14-2.87 Sweet-clover-seed screenings not injurious to sheep. 1
A1.14-2.88 Annual report of Governor of Alaska on Alaska game law. 1
A1.14-2.89 Kudzu. 1
A1.14-2.9 Meadow fescue. 1
A1.14-2.90 Control of watermelon anthracnose by spraying. 1
A1.14-2.91 Land of beautiful water, Chelan National Forest. 1
A1.14-2.92 Jack bean. 1