Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 1.3:1054 Comparison of corn oils obtained by expeller and benzol extraction methods.
Comparison of corn oils obtained by expeller and benzol extraction methods
Comparison of corn oils obtained by expeller and benzol extraction methods /
A1.3-1054 Comparison of corn oils obtained by expeller and benzol extraction methods. 1
A 1.3:1055 Methods of manufacturing potato chips
Methods of manufacturing potato chips /
Methods of manufacturing potato chips.
A1.3-1055 Methods of manufacturing potato chips. 1
A 1.3:1056 Marketing cotton seed for planting purposes / 1
A1.3-1056 Marketing cottonseed for planting purposes. 1
A 1.3:1056/2 Marketing cottonseed for planting purposes
Marketing cottonseed for planting purposes.
A 1.3:1057 Chaulmoogra tree and some related species Survey conducted in Siam, Burma, Assam, and Bengal.
Chaulmoogra tree and some related species : Survey conducted in Siam, Burma, Assam, and Bengal.
The chaulmoogra tree and some related species : a survey conducted in Siam, Burma, Assam, and Bengal /
A1.3-1057 Chaulmoogra tree and some related species : Survey conducted in Siam, Burma, Assam, and Bengal. 1
A 1.3:1058 Sterility of oats
Sterility of oats.
Sterility of oats /
A1.3-1058 Sterility of oats. 1
A 1.3:1059 Research methods in study of forest environment
Research methods in study of forest environment.
Research methods in the study of forest environment /
A1.3-1059 Research methods in study of forest environment. 1
A 1.3:1060 Sitka spruce Its uses, growth, and management.
Sitka spruce : Its uses, growth, and management.
Sitka spruce : its uses, growth, and management /
A1.3-1060 Sitka spruce : Its uses, growth, and management. 1
A 1.3:1061 Longleaf pine / 2
A1.3-1061 Longleaf pine. 1
A 1.3:1061/2 Longleaf pine
Longleaf pine /
Longleaf pine.
A 1.3:1062 Relation of character of endosperm to susceptibility of dent corn to root rotting
Relation of the character of the endosperm to the susceptibility of dent corn to root rotting /
Relation of character of endosperm to susceptibility of dent corn to root rotting.
A1.3-1062 Relation of character of endosperm to susceptibility of dent corn to root rotting. 1