Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 1.36:841 Life history and control of tomato pinworm.
Life history and control of the tomato pinworm /
A1.36..841 Life history and control of tomato pinworm. 1
A 1.36:842 Contribution to morphology and anatomy of guayule (Parthenium argentatum)
Contribution to the morphology and anatomy of Guayule (Parthenium argentatum) /
A1.36..842 Contribution to morphology and anatomy of guayule (Parthenium argentatum) 1
A 1.36:843 Contribution to morphology and anatomy of Russian dandelion (Taraxacum kok-saghyz)
Contribution to the morphology and anatomy of the Russian dandelion (Taraxacum Kok-saghyz) /
A1.36..843 Contribution to morphology and anatomy of Russian dandelion (Taraxacum kok-saghyz) 1
A 1.36:844 Effect of climate on yield and oil content of flaxseed and on iodine number of linseed oil.
Effect of climate on the yield and oil content of flaxseed and on the Iodine number of linseed oil /
A1.36..844 Effect of climate on yield and oil content of flaxseed and on iodine number of linseed oil. 1
A 1.36:845 Sugar-beet seed production in southern Utah, with special reference to factors affecting yield and reproductive development.
Sugar-beet seed production in southern Utah, with special reference to factors affecting yield and reproductive development /
A1.36..845 Sugar-beet seed production in southern Utah, with special reference to factors affecting yield and reproductive development. 1
A 1.36:846 Cabbage looper as pest of lettuce in the Southwest.
The cabbage looper as a pest of lettuce in the Southwest /
A1.36..846 Cabbage looper as pest of lettuce in the Southwest. 1
A 1.36:847 Fattening steers on milo grain in southern Great Plains.
Fattening steers on milo grain in the southern Great Plains /
A1.36..847 Fattening steers on milo grain in southern Great Plains. 1
A 1.36:848 Ecology of principal summer weed hosts of beet leafhopper in San Joaquin Valley, Calif.
The ecology of the principal summer weed hosts of the beet leafhopper in the San Joaquin Valley, California /
A1.36..848 Ecology of principal summer weed hosts of beet leafhopper in San Joaquin Valley, Calif. 1
A 1.36:849 Chemical seed treatments for control of certain diseases of sorghum.
Chemical seed treatments for the control of certain diseases of sorghum /
A1.36..849 Chemical seed treatments for control of certain diseases of sorghum. 1
A 1.36:850 Studies on host plants of leafhoppers of genus Empoasca.
Studies on host plants of the leafhoppers of the genus Empoasca /
A1.36..850 Studies on host plants of leafhoppers of genus Empoasca. 1