Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
A 1.36:871 |
Apanteles diatraeae, braconid parasite of southwestern corn borer. Apanteles diatraeae, a braconid parasite of the southwestern corn borer / |
2 |
A1.36..871 | Apanteles diatraeae, braconid parasite of southwestern corn borer. | 1 |
A 1.36:872 |
Decay in balsam fir in New England and New York. Decay in balsam fir in New England and New York / |
2 |
A1.36..872 | Decay in balsam fir in New England and New York. | 1 |
A 1.36:873 |
Investigations in erosion control and reclamation of eroded land at Central Piedmont Conservation Experiment Station, Statesville, N. C., 1930-40. Investigations in erosion control and reclamation of eroded land at the Central Piedmont Conservation Experiment Station, Statesville, N.C., 1930-40 / |
2 |
A1.36..873 | Investigations in erosion control and reclamation of eroded land at Central Piedmont Conservation Experiment Station, Statesville, N. C., 1930-40. | 1 |
A 1.36:874 |
Inbreeding and heterosis and their relation to development of new varieties of onions. Inbreeding and heterosis and their relation to the development of new varieties of onions / |
2 |
A1.36..874 | Inbreeding and heterosis and their relation to development of new varieties of onions. | 1 |
A 1.36:875 |
Effects of experimental nodular worm (Oesophagostomum columbianum) infection in sheep. Effects of experimental nodular worm (Oesophagostomum columbianum) infection in sheep / |
2 |
A1.36..875 | Effects of experimental nodular worm (Oesophagostomum columbianum) infection in sheep. | 1 |
A 1.36:876 |
Decay of logging slash in the Northeast. Decay of logging slash in the Northeast / |
2 |
A1.36..876 | Decay of logging slash in the Northeast. | 1 |
A 1.36:876-900 | A Study of the effectiveness of sulfonamide preparations in the elimination of bovine mastitis / | 1 |
A 1.36:876-900/t.p.andcont | Technical bulletins No. 876-900, with contents. | 1 |
A1.36..876-900_t.p.andcont | Technical bulletins No. 876-900, with contents. | 1 |
A 1.36:877 |
Wheat varieties resistant to hessian fly and their reactions to stem and leaf rusts. Wheat varieties resistant to the Hessian fly and their reactions to stem and leaf rusts / |
2 |
A1.36..877 | Wheat varieties resistant to hessian fly and their reactions to stem and leaf rusts. | 1 |
A 1.36:878 |
Neps in cotton yarns as related to variety, location, and season of growth. Neps in cotton yarns as related to variety, location, and season of growth / |
2 |
A1.36..878 | Neps in cotton yarns as related to variety, location, and season of growth. | 1 |
A 1.36:879 |
Mushroom mite (Tyrophagus lintneri (Osborn)) as pest of cultivated mushrooms. The mushroom mite (Tyrophagus lintneri (Osborn)) as a pest of cultivated mushrooms / |
2 |