Call Number (LC) Title Results
A1.4-184.124 Rate of growth of 2nd-growth Southern pines in full stands. 1
A1.4-184.125 Experiments in use of fertilizers in growing forest planting material at Savenac Nursery. 1
A1.4-184.126 Pathological conditions ascribed to nematodes in poultry. 1
A1.4-184.127 Grain drying at country elevator. 1
A1.4-184.128 Effectiveness of moisture-excluding coatings on wood. 1
A1.4-184.129 Survey of fertilizer industry. 1
A1.4-184.13 Curing and preserving citron. 1
A1.4-184.130 Traps for Japanese beetle. 1
A1.4-184.131 Utilization of black locust. 1
A1.4-184.132 Fighting corn borer with machinery in 2-generation area. 1
A1.4-184.133 Methods of eradicating buckthorn (Rhamnus) susceptible to crown rust (Puccinia coronata) of oats. 1
A1.4-184.134 Suggestions for management of spruce stands in the Northeast. 1
A1.4-184.135 Blemishes and discolorations of market onions. 1
A1.4-184.136 Gehl laboratory rice-scouring device. 1
A1.4-184.137 Crotalaria, new legume for the South. 1
A1.4-184.138 Development and use of baking powder and baking chemicals. 1
A1.4-184.139 Method and procedure of soil analysis used in Division of Soil Chemistry and Physics. 1
A1.4-184.14 Status of imported parasites of European corn borer. 1
A1.4-184.140 Handling livestock during drought. 1
A1.4-184.141 Hardiness and yield of winter-wheat varieties. 1