Call Number (LC) Title Results
A1.4-184.224 Two destructive defoliators of lodgepole pine in Yellowstone National Park. 1
A1.4-184.225 Utilization of bigleaf maple of Pacific Northwest. 1
A1.4-184.226 Control of turpentine borer in naval stores region. 1
A1.4-184.227 Reactions of Japanese beetle to spray deposits on foliage. 1
A1.4-184.228 Construction and arrangement of city milk plants. 1
A1.4-184.229 Weedy abandoned lands and weed hosts of beet leaf hopper. 1
A1.4-184.23 Score of easily propagated lilies. 1
A1.4-184.230 Chemical composition of certain kinds of sausage and other meat food products. 1
A1.4-184.231 Adaptation of fiber flax to South Atlantic States 1
A1.4-184.232 Measuring salinity of irrigation waters and of soil solutions with Wheatstone bridge. 1
A1.4-184.233 Effect of cold storage and age of seed on germination and yield of peanuts. 1
A1.4-184.234 Black pit of pecan and some insects causing it. 1
A1.4-184.235 Injury to peach fruits by gipsy-moth larvae. 1
A1.4-184.236 Design factors affecting strength and rigidity of wooden crates. 1
A1.4-184.237 Control of Japanese beetle on fruit and shade trees. 1
A1.4-184.238 Control of larvae of Japanese and Asiatic beetles in lawns and golf courses. 1
A1.4-184.239 Moisture content of wood in dwellings. 1
A1.4-184.24 U.S. grades, color standards, and packing requirements for honey; recommended by U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1
A1.4-184.240 What Ohio farmers think of farmer-owned business organizations in that State. 1
A1.4-184.241 Leaf hoppers injurious to cereal and forage crops. 1