Call Number (LC) Title Results
A1.4_2..434 Commercial planting on redwood cut℗Ư-over lands. 1
A1.4_2..435 Tobacco shrinkages and losses in weight in handling and storage. 1
A1.4_2..436 Production and agricultural use of sodium nitrate. 1
A1.4_2..437 American grape varieties. 1
A1.4_2..438 Lumpy Jaw, or Actinomycosis. 1
A1.4_2..438_2 Lumpy jaw, or actinomycosis [disease affecting cattle] 1
A1.4_2..439 Parasitization of Mediterranean fruitfly in Hawaii, 1914-33. 1
A1.4_2..440 Tomato pinworm [agricultural pest] 1
A1.4_2..441 Development of powdery mildew resistant cantaloup no. 45. 1
A1.4_2..442 Mosaic diseases of wheat and related cereals. 1
A1.4_2..443 Artificial Drying of Forage Crops. 1
A1.4_2..443_2 Artificial drying of forage crops. 1
A1.4_2..444 Yield and quality of sugar beets from various rotations at Scotts Bluff (Nebr.) field station, 1930-35. 1
A1.4_2..445 Iris thrips and its control by hot water, with notes on other treatments. 1
A1.4_2..446 Poultry management in subtropical, semiarid climates. 1
A1.4_2..447 The Freezing Temperatures of Some Fruits, Vegetables, and Florists' Stocks. 1
A1.4_2..447_2 Freezing temperatures of some fruits, vegetables, and florists' stocks. 2
A1.4_2..448 Economic study of cattle business on southwestern semidesert range. 1
A1.4_2..449 Planning, constructing, and operating forest℗Ư-fire lookout systems in California. 1
A1.4_2..450 Drying Kieffer pears and use of dried product. 1