Call Number (LC) Title Results
A1.4_2..497 Composition of rhizome, stem, and leaf of some horticultural forms of canna in relation to their possible use. 1
A1.4_2..498 Effect of potash on grade, shape, and yield of certain varieties of sweetpotatoes grown in South Carolina. 1
A1.4_2..499 Comparative study of suitability for drying purposes in 40 varieties of sweetpotato. 1
A1.4_2..500 U. S. no. 5 refugee, new mosaic℗Ư-resistant refugee bean. 1
A1.4_2..501 Reaction of wheat, barley, and rye varieties to stripe rust in Pacific Northwest. 1
A1.4_2..502 Sweetpotato propagation and transplanting studies. 1
A1.4_2..503 Sobago potato, new variety resistant to late blight. 1
A1.4_2..504 Early winter food of ruffed grouse on George Washington National Forest. 1
A1.4_2..505 Market Classes and Grades of Feeder and Stocker Cattle. 1
A1.4_2..505_2 Market classes and grades of feeder and stocker cattle. 2
A1.4_2..506 Control of corn earworm on Fordhook lima beans in eastern Virginia. 1
A1.4_2..507 Diets of families of employed wage earners and clerical workers in cities. 1
A1.4_2..508 The comparative attractiveness of various small grains to the chinch bug. 1
A1.4_2..509 Mushroom casing soil in relation to yield. 1
A1.4_2..51_2 Chinch bug in relation to St. Augustine grass. 1
A1.4_2..510 Air℗Ưblast gin performance and maintenance. 1
A1.4_2..511 Control of black rot of pineapples in transit. 1
A1.4_2..512 Longevity of onion seed in relation to storage conditions. 1
A1.4_2..513 Curly-℗Ưtop-℗Ưresistant sugar-℗Ưbeet varieties in 1938. 1
A1.4_2..514 Differential staining of sections of unpreserved bovine udder tissue affected with mastitis. 1