Call Number (LC) Title Results
A1.4_2..615 Studies on control of cabbage caterpillars with derris in the South. 2
A1.4_2..616 Methods of breeding Chelonus annulipes on Mediterranean flour moth for use against European corn borer. 2
A1.4_2..617 Tests of species and varieties of vetch for resistance to vetch bruchid. 2
A1.4_2..618 Storage quality of principal American varieties of onions. 2
A1.4_2..619_2 Preservation of fruits and vegetables by commercial dehydration. 2
A1.4_2..621 Practical seed-cotton moisture tester for use at gins. 2
A1.4_2..622 Comparative winter hardiness of oat varieties. 2
A1.4_2..623 Conversion of weights of mechanical separations of grain into percentages. 2
A1.4_2..624 Sheep migration in intermountain region. 2
A1.4_2..625 Birdsfoot trefoil and big trefoil. 2
A1.4_2..625_2 Birdsfoot trefoil and big trefoil. 2
A1.4_2..625_3 Birdsfoot trefoil and big trefoil [perennial plants] 1
A1.4_2..626 Control of locust borer. 2
A1.4_2..627 Fruit pressure testers and their practical applications. 2
A1.4_2..628 Fowl paralysis (avian leukosis complex) 2
A1.4_2..629 Soybean and Korean lespedeza hays compared with alfalfa for wintering beef calves. 2
A1.4_2..63_2 Conservation of wastes from small℗Ư-scale slaughter of meat animals. 1
A1.4_2..630 Improved Bates laboratory aspirator [device for removing seeds and lightweight substances from grains] 2
A1.4_2..631 Protein-digesting enzymes of papaya and pineapple. 2
A1.4_2..632 Rice-field insects. 2