Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 1.84:118 Predicting summer production losses for swine / 1
A1.84:119 Beetles found in woods trash during winter boll weevil surveys / 1
A1.84:120 Evaluation of candidate chemosterilants for the boll weevil / 1
A1.84:121 Effect of tree windbreaks and slat barriers on wind velocity and crop yields / 1
A1.84:122 Preference of sorghum midge among selected sorghum lines with notes on overwintering midges and parasite emergence / 1
A1.84:123 Windrower and harvester for tung fruit / 1
A1.84:124 Peripheral circulation for low-cost central heating in old houses / 1
A1.84:125 Attempted eradication of the corn earworm from St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands / 1
A1.84:126 Low-volume and ultralow-volume sprays of malathion and methyl parathion for control of three lepidopterous cotton pests / 1
A1.84:127 Effects of a high density of blacklight traps on corn earworm population in corn / 1
A1.84:128 Electrodes for continuously measuring cotton moisture content at ginneries / 1
A1.84:129 An outline of the common transmissible neoplastic diseases of the chicken / 1
A1.84:130 Range improvement methods and environmental influences in the northern Great Plains / 1
A1.84:131 Effect of high temperatures on fecundity and fertility of six lepidopterous pests of cotton in Arizona / 1
A 1.84:132 Laboratory evaulations [i.e. evaluations] of candidate insecticide residues against face flies and DDT-resistant house flies, 1961-1969 / 1
A1.84:133 Evaluation of pheromone-baited blacklight traps for controlling cabbage loopers on shade-grown tobacco in Florida / 1
A1.84:134 Wheat cultivars resistant to races of Hessian fly / 1
A1.84:135 Factors affecting cottonseed damage in harvesting and handling / 1
A1.84:136 Relationship of temperatures to boll weevil complex populations in Arizona / 1
A 1.84:137 Toxicity of 45 organic herbicides to cattle, sheep, and chickens / 1