Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 1.9:1568 Rabbit parasites and diseases / 1
A1.9-1568 Rabbit parasites and diseases. 1
A 1.9:1568/2 Rabbit parasites and diseases
Rabbit parasites and diseases /
Rabbit parasites and diseases.
A 1.9:1569 Earthworms as pests and otherwise
Earthworms as pests and otherwise /
Earthworms as pests and otherwise.
A1.9-1569 Earthworms as pests and otherwise. 1
A 1.9:1570 Mosquito remedies and preventives / 1
A1.9-1570 Mosquito remedies and preventatives. 1
A 1.9:1570/2 Mosquito remedies and preventatives
Mosquito remedies and preventives /
Mosquito remedies and preventatives.
A 1.9:1571 European starling in U.S
The European starling in the United States /
European starling in U.S.
A1.9-1571 European starling in U.S. 1
A 1.9:1572 Making cellars dry /
Making cellars dry
Making cellars dry.
A1.9-1572 Making cellars dry. 1
A 1.9:1573 Legume hays for milk production
Legume hays for milk production /
Legume hays for milk production.
A1.9-1573 Legume hays for milk production. 1
A 1.9:1574 Preparing Johnson hay for market in the Black Prairie belt of Alabama and Mississippi /
Preparing Johnson hay for market in Black Prairie Belt of Alabama and Mississippi
Preparing Johnson hay for market in Black Prairie Belt of Alabama and Mississippi.
A1.9-1574 Preparing Johnson hay for market in Black Prairie Belt of Alabama and Mississippi. 1
A 1.9:1575 Game laws for season; summary of provisions of Federal, State, and provincial statutes
Game laws for season 1928-29; summary of provisions of Federal, State, and provincial statutes.
A1.9-1575 Game laws for season 1928-29; summary of provisions of Federal, State, and provincial statutes. 1
A 1.9:1576 Fur laws for season
Fur laws for season 1928-29.
A 1.9:1576-1600/[cont.] Farmers' Bulletins Nos. 1576-1600, with contents
Farmers' Bulletins Nos. 1576-1600, with contents.