Call Number (LC) Title Results
A1.9-493 English sparrow as pest. 1
A 1.9:493/3 English sparrow as pest
English sparrow as pest.
A 1.9:494 Lawn soils and lawns
Lawn soils and lawns /
Lawn soils and lawns.
A1.9-494 Lawn soils and lawns. 1
A 1.9:495 Alfalfa seed production
Alfalfa seed production /
Alfalfa seed production.
A1.9-495 Alfalfa seed production. 1
A 1.9:496 Raising Belgian hares and other rabbits / 1
A1.9-496 Raising Belgian hares and other rabbits. 1
A 1.9:496/3 Raising Belgian hares and other rabbits
Raising Belgian hares and other rabbits.
A 1.9:497 Some common game, aquatic, and rapacious birds in relation to man / 1
A1.9-497 Some common game, aquatic, and rapacious birds in relation to man. 1
A 1.9:497/3 Some common game, aquatic and rapacious birds in relation to man / 1
A 1.9:497/4 Some common game, aquatic, and rapacious birds in relation to man
Some common game, aquatic, and rapacious birds in relation to man.
A 1.9:497/924 Some common game, aquatic and rapacious birds in relation to man / 1
A 1.9:498 Methods of exterminating the Texas-fever tick /
Methods of exterminating Texas-fever tick
Methods of exterminating Texas-fever tick.
A1.9-498 Methods of exterminating Texas-fever tick. 1
A 1.9:499 Experiment station work
Experiment station work, LXIX.
A1.9-499 Experiment station work, LXIX. 1
A 1.9:500 Control of boll weevil
The control of the boll weevil /
Control of boll weevil.
A1.9-500 Control of boll weevil. 1