Call Number (LC) Title Results
A108-42 Supplement to general index of agricultural reports for years 1877 to 1885, inclusive 1
A108-43 Addresses of Hon. Norman J. Colman and Dr. D. E. Salmon, delivered before National Cattle Growers' Convention, held at Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 31 and Nov. 1-2, 1887 1
A108-45 Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations, convention held at Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C., Oct. 1887 report of committee on station work. 1
A108-46 Hog cholera its history, nature, and treatment, as determined by inquiries and investigations of Bureau of Animal Industry. 1
A108-47 Catalogue of economic plants in collection of U.S. Department of Agriculture 1
A108-48 Papers on horticultural and kindred subjects 1
A108-49.1 Report on use of maize (Indian corn) in Europe, and on possibilities of its extension 1, Introduction of maize into Europe; 2, Food value of maize; 3, Indian corn industry in U.S. 1
A108-49.2 Rapport sur l'usage et les possibilites de l'extension du mais (ble d'inde) en Europe 1, Importance du mais comme aliment; 2, Industrie du ble d'inde aux Etats-Unis. 1
A108-49.3 Bericht uber den Gebrauch von Mais (amerikanisches Korn) in Europa 1, Nahrungswerth des Mais; 2, Mais-Industrie in den Vereinigten Staaten. 1
A108-49.4 Beretning over brugen af Amerikansk mais i Europa 1, Maisens naeringsvaerdi; 2, Mais industrien i de Forenede Stater. 1
A108-49.5 Memorias sobre el uso del maiz en Europa y la posibilidad de extender su consumo 1, Valor del maiz como alimento; 2, Industria del maiz en los Estados Unidos. 1
A108-50 Progress report on dairy industry of Denmark 1
A108-51 Studies of parasitic and predaceous insects in New Zealand, Australia, and adjacent islands 1
A108-52.1 Indian corn (or maize) in manufacture of beer 1
A108-52.2 Indian Corn (oder Mais) in der Herstellung von Bier 1
A108-53 Selected correspondence relating to export trade of U.S. in live stock and meat products 1
A108-54 Suggestions regarding cooking of food, with introductory statements regarding nutritive value of common food materials 1
A108-55 List of publications of U.S. Department of Agriculture for 5 years 1889-1893, inclusive 1
A108-56.1 Arbor Day Its history and observance. 1
A108-56.2 Arbor Day Its history and observance. 1