Call Number (LC) Title Results
A19.2-150.2 Varieties of Satsuma orange group in Japan. 1
A19.2-151 Irrigated pastures for northern reclamation projects. 1
A19.2-152 Preliminary report on harvesting and handling fall and winter pears in Santa Clara Valley, Calif. 1
A19.2-153 Removal of spray residue from California Bartlett pears. 1
A19.2-154 Peppers. 1
A19.2-155 Possibilities of growing plants as sources of perfume products in U.S. 1
A19.2-156 Pistache nut. 1
A19.2-157 Poinsettia. 1
A19.2-158 Principal poisonous plants of western stock ranges. 1
A19.2-159 Eradication of poison ivy. 1
A19.2-160 Potato growing as club work in the North and West. 1
A19.2-161 Economical methods of cutting seed potatoes. 1
A19.2-163 Suggestions for experimental chemical treatments for hastening sprouting of dormant potato tubers. 1
A19.2-164 Portable precooling apparatus. 1
A19.2-165 Rape (Brassica napus) 1
A19.2-166 Rhubarb forcing. 1
A19.2-167 Review of literature on pollination, hour of blooming, and natural crossing in rice. 1
A19.2-168 Screen plantings. 1
A19.2-169 Selection of cotton and corn seed on southern farms. 1
A19.2-170 Fall-breaking and preparation of seed bed. 1